I find it fascinating that a man as well-educated. And obviously intelligent as you are. Except And do not Ask questions about the last election results, which are questionable at best and Obviously fraudulent. You remember when elections were called the night of? This last go around was an absolute travesty. you never address that. You just pretend that the lying cheating. Politicians running this country who have proven themselves to be liars and cheats more than willing to ignore the The sacred first amendment call it miss information and lie outright about the fake plague And the killer shot. their lies literally killed untold numbers of people. You honestly believe they ran a legitimate election? I saw crowds of a hundred thousand people plus, turning out for donald trump On numerous occasions. Joe Biden couldn't put 100 people in a drive in theater. And it was funny That it turned out his Team rented most of the cars. It is hard to have someone piss on your back. And tell you it's just warm, stinking rain. I would also argue not a single rational. American citizen voteed for the policies that China joe biden has plagued the American people with. Absolutely no logical person can possibly defend. Leaving the Borders open, allowing illegals free entry into our country in the middle of a fake plague locking American citizens down, forcing them to get shots that have turned out to be killers. Meanwhile, allowing the illegals to walk and roam freely in our country. Paying their airfare, bus fare. With american citizens tax dollars they were given passes on getting the killer shots, It just gets to be a bit too much, and you're concerned that Donald Trump, who is the clear front-runner without any shadow of a doubt, there is no need for him to debate His policies are well known that putting the American citizen first. Which, for some reasons, the democrats. Tell us is unacceptable, we must put other nations citizens ahead of our own, and the working man and women of this country foot the bill, while scumbags like Biden Obama, polowski and Schumer all have $200000 a year jobs but are all somehow multi-millionaires. Absolutely fascinating, don't you think?. This is your concern? Meanwhile, people are dying inflation running rampant lawlessness in our streets. Men being put in jail for defending themselves from criminals.

And the same party who questioned any election they lost. Now claim that questioning elections is Illegal and unacceptable that tells me Obviously, they have something to hide. If it was a legitimate election, they are responsible for proving that to the American public so far, all they have done is place people in jail for questioning the fraud, that alone should tell you all you need to know. please explain to me how questioning elections is unacceptable. Perhaps your education has given you. An insight That I as a member of the great unwashed uneducated public am unable to see. Please enlighten me. Should I just be a happy little slave and accept whatever the powerful Tell me regardless of how. Incredibly ridiculous stupid and painfully obviously fraudulent it is?

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No, the last election results were absolutely not "fraudulent." That is a complete lie.

The claims of irregularities have been litigated to death, with Republican state officials and Trump appointed judges joining the consensus that it was actually one of the cleanest elections we've had in a long long time.

Elections have frequently not been called "the night of," as well, and as many people (including me) noted months before the election, the widespread use of mail-in ballots (which didn't even need to be postmarked until Election Day in some states) guaranteed that we would not have a decision on election night in 2020. This was obvious from months away:


I'm not sure where you get your news, but I would recommend finding a new source that doesn't lie to you so brazenly. If you actually believe "inflation is running rampant," when it's actually fallen from 9% to 3.5% over the last year ... well, I don't know what to tell you. It's just delusional.

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You cite The New York Times as being a reputable source of information when they have undoubtedly proven themselves. To be nothing but a propaganda arm of the DNC. I would also say suppressing the hunter Biden laptop story. Most certainly is election fraud. They knew it all along still, they did it. Not to mention the fraudulent CIA intelligence communities signing the fake letter that Joe Biden cited during a debate which he knew Was a lie as well, can you address these issues for me? Thank you, have a good day. And nothing to say about open Borders. Chinese poison fentanyl.. Killing our citizens at record rates. And my wallet would most certainly beg to differ on the inflation. I'm paying more for everything and get. Far less meanwhile, the corrupt politicians that run this country. And I mean both democrat and republican they're all thieves, liars and cheats.they Shovel ungodly amounts of money to Ukraine. And tell me how important it is to protect their Borders while our own remain open and also. How in the world all these lifetime Politicians become extraordinarily wealthy when they produce absolutely nothing of value. Yet somehow they become multi-millionaires. It's a corrupt and filthy system. They lied to us about the plague. They lied to us about the vaccination. They still are, and you honestly believe this was a legitimate election from people that Are proven liars beyond any shadow of a doubt? That's not even up for debate. and the results are. Millions have died You don't think they would rig an election

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I linked an opinion piece that I myself wrote along with a Federal Elections Commissioner. You didn't even bother to read it.

You're welcome to believe in all of this utter nonsense, but I'm not wasting any more time debating reality with you.

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I tried to read it but they want me to pay for the privilege

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There are always more than a few -- they generally land no blows and bow out early, though occasionally we've seen the top rival get the VP spot in an effort to unite the party (JFK-LBJ, Reagan-GHWBush, etc.)

DeSantis still seems to be angling for the top spot

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Yes, I think most are angling for the VP spot which is why they're not putting up much of a fight at all.

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