Clinton told us it was about Roe and the Supreme Court in 2016. But nobody wanted to vote for the email lady.

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The doctrine of judicial review, which SCOTUS claimed for itself in Marbury v. Madison, must be considered fair game now. We are headed for a Constitutional crisis of epic proportions. SCOTUS Itself is above the law, answerable to no one, and when it becomes thoroughly infected with corruption as this one has, there absolutely must be a remedy, and it must come from the legislative branch. At least those people are ELECTED and can be gotten rid of, unlike SCOTUS.

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My fear is that in the short-term a Biden victory just pushes the inevitable down the road. As of this moment, presidential restraint is entirely dependent on the character of the person holding the job, and we can't expect to win every election. People with power rarely give it back, and SCOTUS has made themselves the deciders of everything, from what constitutes the powers of the executive to how the environment works.

We live in a different county now, and I can't see how we can go back. I am struggling to understand what being American means as a thread of who I am.

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So, if this had been the case in the ‘70s, Nixon could never have faced prosecution for obstruction of justice, because the conversations and directions that would have formed the basis for such a charge all took place in the Oval Office with his advisers? Huh, who knew? I guess Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon, thereby torching his own presidency, for nothing.

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There’s a reason why many smart lawyers have been referring to Federal Society judges as “Federalist Society Fucks” for a long time. Maybe people will finally start listening. State Democratic Party’s need to identify all elected officials that are members of or supporters of the Federalist Society. Judges, AG’s , prosecutors, members of Congress, State legislators, local officials. All of them need to be voted out.

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