Jun 20Liked by Kevin M. Kruse

The Axios headline is wrong. Louisiana is NOT the first state to require the ten Commandments to be posted in Public School classrooms. Kentucky did it more than 40 years ago. That law was challenged, and ultimately struck down by SCOTUS in 1980 in Stone vs. Graham as a violation of the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment. My bet is, this new statute will find its way to a far more receptive radical rightwing SCOTUS, and they will bend over backwards to find it Constitutional, probably overruling Stone v. Graham in the process. Now that Roe v. Wade has fallen, it has shown the Right that all liberal SCOTUS precedents are up for grabs, and the quaint notion “settled law” is no longer an obstacle to their radical Christo-fascist agenda.

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Jun 20Liked by Kevin M. Kruse

Sorry to double dip, but Andrew Seidel has a superb thread on this as well…


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Looking forward to the point in time, where a smart lawyer, cites “ One Nation Under God” in a legal brief to the Roberts Court. Originalism my ass. I used to keep a copy of the book in my office, in case a far-right extremists evangelical tried to shove their religion down my throat. Looks like it’s time to pull it out again.

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